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Town of Moosomin Bylaws

Click on the bylaw to view it.

Bylaw 2024-03

Business License Bylaw

Bylaw 2024-02

Prohibition of Certain Animals Bylaw

Bylaw 2021-03​​

The purpose of this Bylaw is to regulate land use and development within the Town of Moosomin in accordance with the Town of Moosomin Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 21-02(OCP).​

2022 Zoning Map

Bylaw 2021-02

Official Community Plan

Bylaw 2020-02

A Bylaw of the Town of Moosomin to regulate the operation of vehicles.

Bylaw 1100​​

A Bylaw to prohibit, eliminate, and abate, loud, unusual and unnecessary noise, or noises which annoy, disturb, injure or endanger the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of others.

Bylaw 2019-03

Rideshare Bylaw

Bylaw 2018-07

A bylaw of the Town of Moosomin, respecting fire restriction and protection.

Bylaw 2015-03​​

The purpose of this Bylaw is to provide for the management and control of the Moosomin South Cemetery.

Bylaw 2015-01

A Bylaw to provide for sump pit and surface discharge.

Bylaw 2013-06​​

A bylaw respecting buildings (The Building Bylaw).

Bylaw 2010-02​

A bylaw to regulate All Terrain Vehicles.

Bylaw 2005-10​​

A bylaw to prohibit the keeping of dangerous dogs.

Bylaw 2005-09​

A bylaw of the Town of Moosomin, in the province of Saskatchewan, to provide for the abatement of nuisances within the Town of Moosomin.

Bylaw 2003-01​​

A bylaw to license and regulate the running at large of dogs and cats.

Bylaw 99-06​​

A Bylaw to regulate and ensure the safe operation of private swimming pools.

Bylaw 13-92​​

A Bylaw to regulate the burning of refuse within the boundaries of the town of Moosomin.

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