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Town of Moosomin Bylaws

Click on the bylaw to view it.

Bylaw 2024-03

Business License Bylaw

Bylaw 2024-02

Prohibition of Certain Animals Bylaw

Bylaw 2021-03​​

The purpose of this Bylaw is to regulate land use and development within the Town of Moosomin in accordance with the Town of Moosomin Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 21-02(OCP).​

2022 Zoning Map

Bylaw 2021-02

Official Community Plan

Bylaw 2020-02

A Bylaw of the Town of Moosomin to regulate the operation of vehicles.

Bylaw 1100​​

A Bylaw to prohibit, eliminate, and abate, loud, unusual and unnecessary noise, or noises which annoy, disturb, injure or endanger the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of others.

Bylaw 2019-03

Rideshare Bylaw

Bylaw 2018-07

A bylaw of the Town of Moosomin, respecting fire restriction and protection.

Bylaw 2015-03​​

The purpose of this Bylaw is to provide for the management and control of the Moosomin South Cemetery.

Bylaw 2015-01

A Bylaw to provide for sump pit and surface discharge.

Bylaw 2013-06​​

A bylaw respecting buildings (The Building Bylaw).

Bylaw 2010-02​

A bylaw to regulate All Terrain Vehicles.

Bylaw 2005-10​​

A bylaw to prohibit the keeping of dangerous dogs.

Bylaw 2005-09​

A bylaw of the Town of Moosomin, in the province of Saskatchewan, to provide for the abatement of nuisances within the Town of Moosomin.

Bylaw 2003-01​​

A bylaw to license and regulate the running at large of dogs and cats.

Bylaw 99-06​​

A Bylaw to regulate and ensure the safe operation of private swimming pools.

Bylaw 13-92​​

A Bylaw to regulate the burning of refuse within the boundaries of the town of Moosomin.

Explore Moosomin

Explore Moosomin

701 Main Street

Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0




Explore Moosomin was created as a way to showcase Moosomin's hidden gems. Moosomin is a supportive, vibrant community with a rich history, but it needed a map for its treasure to be discovered by residents and visitors alike.





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