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MP Kitchen, MLA Bonk not running again

Bonk running for Conservative nomination

July 15, 2024, 8:13 am
Kevin Weedmark

There will be lots of changes on the local political scene as both Souris-Moose Mountain MP Dr. Robert Kitchen and Moosomin MLA Steven Bonk announced last week they will not run for re-election, and Bonk announced he will run for the Conservative nomination in Souris-Moose Mountain.

Dr. Robert Kitchen announced Monday he has decided not to let his name stand for re-election as MP for Souris-Moose Mountain. Kitchen will serve out his current term.

“I’ve decided that I’m not going to run in the next federal election,” Kitchen told the World-Spectator. He said he only recently decided not to run for re-election but he is comfortable with his decision. “It’s a decision that I’ve made and a decision that I will live with,” he said.

After Kitchen’s announcement, Moosomin MLA Steven Bonk announced he will seek the Conservative nomination in Souris-Moose Mountain and will not seek re-election as Moosomin MLA.

“I am excited to announce that I will be seeking the Conservative Party nomination for the Souris Moose-Mountain riding,” Bonk said. “I was proud to be co-captain of Pierre Poilievre’s Saskatchewan team during his leadership race.”

See detailed articles inside this week's newspaper.